Make a Difference

In this blog I hope to be able to provide the latest County news and happenings.
Along the right hand side of the blog are links to My Views on specific county issues.
Also included are links to my email, other county, state and federal representatives, and some interesting pictures and postcards from the past.

We need to hold all of our County representatives accountable in these difficult economic times.
Please support and comment on this blog and together we can make Cortland County a better place to live.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

South Main Street - Aging Office Options

Below are the five options / layouts reviewed by JCM Associates and B&L Engineers on Thursday August 21 at 7:30 pm in the Cortland County Office Building Auditorium.

In attendance were approximately 30 neighborhood residents, Legislators and media.

Joe Maryak presented each of the options after the public was allowed to view them. A poll was taken to determine which option was most acceptable to the public and Legislators. By unanimous public vote, Option #5 was chosen.

Each of the options are below in order.






Option 5 will need further development as the delivery truck access was not considered adequate. JCM will provide alternatives to alow for trucks to park along the north side of the building rather than blocking traffic on Main Street.

Proposed DMV Layout - River Street

These drawings were presented at the public meeting on Thursday August 21 at 7:30 pm. The meeting was held in the Cortland County Office Building and was attended by approximately 30 people.

The final DMV drawings will be presented to the B&G Committee at the September 9 meeting (7:30am).

You may click each jpeg to view a larger picture.