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Sunday, October 28, 2007

10th LD Race - 10/20/07

10th Legislative District - Increased discussion among top priorities

(As published by Cortland Standard, Christine Laubenstein reporting)

Both candidates for Homer’s 10th legislative district cite improved communication between legislators and the public as one of their priorities, though they have different ideas about how they can be achieved.

Republican Tom Williams, the race’s incumbent, and Democrat Jennifer Gofkowski, a newcomer to politics, both view the purchase of properties on south Main Street last fall as evidence of the Legislature’s lack of communication.

“Most legislators knew nothing of the south Main Street project until a couple of days before we were expected to vote on the $6, 7, 8-million project,” said Williams, 62, of 2 Bedford St., Homer.

"I knew four days ahead of time. There was never a meeting of all of us.”

Both candidates criticized how the Legislature’s discussion of big issues is often reserved to smaller committees or political caucuses that are often behind closed doors.

“I think that right now there’s a lot of closed-door session things keeping public business away from the public,” said Gofkowski, 33, of 934 Anderson Drive, Homer. “I think there needs to be better communication between legislators and taxpayers.”

Williams said he believes the county’s department heads and 19 legislators should hold work sessions on issues of importance, such as a master plan for the county’s space needs. At those work sessions, which ideally all of the legislators would attend, legislators would discuss the issues they would eventually vote on at the Legislature’s regular meetings.

“If I’m not on the Buildings and Grounds Committee it’s hard for me to talk to the Buildings and Grounds Committee if I don’t have access to them, if I can’t see one of the legislators (on the
committee),” he said.

Gofkowski said she would prefer that discussion take place during legislative sessions, where all the members are already gathered.

After discussion, votes should be tabled until the next legislative session, to ensure residents have a chance to give legislators feedback.

“I think that’s a big frustration right now with Cortland County residents,” she said of the lack of openness. “They’re not given any voice.”

The 10th district candidates both agree the county needs to figure out how to handle all its space needs, though each has some opinions he or she is adamant about.

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