Make a Difference

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Monday, November 02, 2009

John Daniels' Political Ad

I wanted to share John's political ad that has been running in the Cortland Standard.

John indicates it in Not a time for political expediency... hmm, let's pause on that for a moment.

Making decisions based upon political expediency

Many politicians make decisions based not necessarily upon what is the best thing to do, nor upon their own ethics and morals, but upon what is best for their own political gain. A politician is dependent upon his or her good standing with voters, as well as an ability to "fit in" with the party political structure. Since a person's time in politics sometimes is short, it is only natural that they do everything possible to continue their career.

Is that why he aligned himself with Dan Tagliente, the two of which wouldn't speak to one another for a year after John was elected Chairman? Was my replacement by John the best thing to do, considering Dan Tagliente's involvement in the failed South main Street deal? How about the removal of Bill Wood, and the Chair's recommendation of and replacement by Tom Brown as Election Commissioner?

I see that John's non-partisanship fought for and eliminated political patronage of the Clerk of the Legislature and the County Attorney. What HAS been done is that the recommendation of these positions has been placed in a MUCH SMALLER group of people, and includes the County Administrator (in case you didn't know). This small group can now be faced with more more pressure and political manuevering from the Chair and the County Adminsitrator. The politics haven't been taken out of the process; on the contrary it is now even worse. Does anyone think that the interview and selection process will be transparent and open to the public?????

And if the Chair was doing his job, he would have carried the appointments done at the Legislature's organizational meeting all the way through to the Auditor.

Take a moment to view the sequence of appointments as set forth by the Rules of Order:
Resolution No. 01 Selecting Chairman of the County Legislature and Setting Official Understanding.
Resolution No. 02 Appoint Clerk of the County Legislature
Resolution No. 03 Appoint County Attorney
Resolution No. 04 Appoint County Auditor
Resolution No. 05 Appoint Veterans Service Officer
Resolution No. 06 Appoint Public Defender
Resolution No. 07 Appoint County Historian

Let's be consistent please. See my separate post on the auditor.

OK, back to the ad.
He voted for the Finger Lakes East Business Park - How is that doing again???
Proposed $3 million austerity budget. Easy pickins there, all Legislators were for it.

Stopped and re-bid DMV project, saving $1 million. NOPE, sorry John. Did you not read the timeline I gave you? And the project re-bid saved about $350,000. I guess that's what you get for not coming to Committee meetings.

Your ad is wrong as well as misleading. I guess that's why you had to buy it and let let the facts speak for themselves.

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