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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fodder for Tomorrow's Meeting...

From the Budget and Finance Committee Minutes of 4/19/07

Ms. Tytler explained that the Ad Hoc Committee made two recommendations regarding the property acquisitions. She expressed that the recommendations were not unanimous but were the majorities recommendations. She pointed out that the Ad Hoc Committee was in agreement regarding not tearing down the residential property and added that this would leave a smaller amount of property for a project. Ms. Tytler expressed that the proposed Health Facility would be too large for the land, which has been recommended to be purchased. She added that the Committee was directed to only discuss the property currently involved. She added that she is aware of other Legislators looking into other properties but added that the Ad Hoc Committee has not.

Ms. Tytler expressed that she has requested information from the County Attorney regarding the possible settlement costs the County could incur. She explained that the Ad Hoc Committee has discussed other options to use the property for. She has also had discussions with Mr. Schrader regarding the cost savings in a shared Public Health and Mental Health facility. Mr. Van Donsel expressed that he had been in contact with some of the attorneys representing property owners involved in the property acquisitions of South Main Street. He explained discussions he has had with Mr. Ruthig regarding the Moose property and expressed that there has been an offer made on that property for $200,000; the difference and damage being approximately $50,000.

Mr. Van Donsel also explained that he had contacted Mr. Lissberger and Mr. Lissberger has not contacted him yet regarding figures. Mr. Van Donsel additionally explained that Robbins Tobacco/Wood property has not yet filed a lawsuit but he has discussed a settlement offer of $120,000. Mr. Van Donsel also contacted Mr. Knickerbocker, attorney for the Abeteillo property, and he has been out of town but expects Mr. Knickerbocker to contact him when he returns.

Mr. Tagliente expressed that there is a resolution that was prepared for the Budget & Finance Committee to consider. Mr. Schrader expressed that the General Services Committee approved this resolution earlier this morning and has been sent to this Committee for your consideration. Mr. Van Dee explained that that the resolution was not on the agenda and he, as Chairman of Budget & Finance Committee has the ability to allow it to be added or to deny it. He further expressed that he was not going to allow it because he had not had the opportunity to review it in advance or to speak with residents from his district. He briefly expressed that Ms. Gebhart was here in attendance today and he has briefly discussed it with her. He added that Ms. Gebhart expressed to him that there is a chance that the residents may accept this. Mr. Van Dee explained that the Committee may override his decision not to consider this resolution.

Mr. Schrader informed the Committee that even without the approval or consideration of the Budget & Finance Committee, this resolution would still be on the agenda for the Legislative Session with a notation regarding the Budget & Finance Committee not considering it, if that was what the Committee chose to do.

Mr. Tagliente made a motion to add the resolution, Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Properties and Authorizing the County Attorney to Negotiate the Settlement of Options with the Other Property Owner, as recommended by the General Services Committee, to the agenda for the Budget & Finance Committees consideration; seconded by Mr. Clark.

Mr. Clark, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Tagliente and Chairman Brown voted in favor; Mr. Ross, Mr. Troy, Mr. Van Dee and Mr. Willcox were opposed; motion failed.

Ms. Tytler expressed that she was not aware of how this action was useful. Mr. Van Dee expressed that he was not given enough time to review the resolution. Chairman Brown requested that Mr. Van Dee allow Ms. Tytler to speak. Ms. Tytler expressed that there is a committee process in place to consider this. Mr. Van Dee interrupted and stated that the Committee used the process and expressed that he was sorry if Ms. Tytler did not like it.

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