Make a Difference

In this blog I hope to be able to provide the latest County news and happenings.
Along the right hand side of the blog are links to My Views on specific county issues.
Also included are links to my email, other county, state and federal representatives, and some interesting pictures and postcards from the past.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

My First Email to the County 12/31/06 - Cortland County Health Facility

Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:30 AM
To: ; ;
Cc: ; ;

Subject: South Main Street Development, City and County Plans

Dear Mr. Schrader, Ms. Brown, Mr. Van Dee and Mr. Parker,

Last week I was shocked to read of the proposed CCMH and CCPH move to a new facility to be built in the vicinity of the Moose building, and the extension of the site to provide for parking. I was not informed of the 5th Ward informational meeting (as I live on the bordering 8th Ward), but I live less than one block from the affected area. I am writing to provide some feedback on the proposed acquisition of property along South Main Street and adjoining residences on Randall and Williams Streets, and the sequence of decisions that may have contributed to this move.

First and foremost, I see that none of the Cortland County Buildings and Grounds committee members live in the City of Cortland - are they aware of the age and establishment of this area and the potential impact that this project might have on the neighborhood and the residents that have lived there for generations? I have spoken with several 5th and 8th Ward neighbors and there is an extreme amount of concern over this facility and its location. Can I please get the legislator vote on this measure so I can see who voted for this?

I am sure that much effort went into the review of possible sites for the combined facility, and I appreciate your hard work to attempt to save taxpayers money. As a professional engineer with background in this type of work, I would like to review the cost justification for the purchase and demolition of established neighborhood houses and the construction of the new county owned building to be better informed and assure other homeowners that the right decision is being made.

I have reviewed all of the Cortland County Legislature minutes on the web and did not find any mention of the move on any of the residential properties identified in the Cortland Standard (C-S), only the Moose Lodge and Wood building in the amount of $630,000. The C-S reported the total property acquisition costs to be nearly $900,000, however the total project cost remained at the $5 - $5-1/2 million figure per the C-S. I would like to see a line item workup that led to the County Legislature's decision. The costs should include the comparison of leasing the Clayton Avenue facility and ancillary costs, versus the Main St / Williams St / Randall St property acquisitions, subsequent asbestos abatement/remediation, property demolition, the loss of property tax revenue from the acquired properties, as well as costs for maintenance of the new building (such as utilities, snow removal, cleaning) and depreciation over a projected time period (30 years?). I assume that the decision to proceed was based upon a life cycle analysis of some kind projected over a designated duration.

It seems that a considerable amount of the energy behind the potential construction of new facilities began on May 9, 2006. This included the proposals by Mr. Schrader on (1) the County Courthouse Renovations, (2) Property Solicitations for a Jail, Mental Health Department and Department of Motor Vehicles, and (3) the Emergency Generator survey. Is there a County 5, 10, and/or 20 year plan for the work to fund and replace these facilities that is available to review? A concerted, educated effort is the only logical solution to these facilities; maybe the county should be looking at one site large enough for all three departments rather than piece mealing in buildings within already developed neighborhoods in the City of Cortland. What happens to the old facilities, will there be expanded departments to fill vacant space left behind?

I never saw mention in the Thoma's South End Neighborhood Strategic Plan (City of Cortland web site link) of a need for a county building. It did make "sense of community" and neighborhood pride priorities... neither of which would be addressed by a municipal building and parking lot. Was the City of Cortland or Thoma consulted or asked for feedback on the proposed project? My feeling is no, as they are trying to develop the area for residential and commercial property revitalization.

I would also like to obtain a copy of the written detailed proposal (7/11/2006 minutes) and workup of costs regarding the relocation of Emergency Operations and Dispatch Emergency Generator Upgrade for the Cortland County Office Building (CCOB). I am sure that this had a significant impact on the decision to relocate services from the CCOB. The costs identified for this work seems to be fairly low for the scope. I have specified several generators in that size over the past 6 months and have concern that the $180,000 price identified will not cover the installation cost of the 900kW generator, and will most likely only allow for purchase of the unit. I assume that the cost to move the existing CCOB generator and install it at the Courthouse would be funded under a separate project as it was not included in the minutes? Was this cost worked up by an engineer, and I did not see engineering fees nor any project contingencies identified?

I thank you all for your public service and dedication. But I believe that the process needs to be slowed down and reviewed to ensure that proper planning has been performed, associated "real" costs have been identified, and community impact concerns have been alleviated.Please let me know when I can stop by and pick up the documentation above. I am eager to review the costs and offer more feedback. I am sure that area residents will be meeting in the near future to discuss further concerns and I will be attending them. I am copying the 5th and 8th Ward Aldermen as I am sure they have been contacted by city neighborhood families as well on this matter.

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